
Vía Astilleros - Tibú, Vías Program for the
Equity, Module 3.

Client: : Instituto Nacional de Vías - INVIAS.

Seope :
Supervision services for the upgrading, land registry, social and environmental management of via Astilleros - Tibú in the Department of Norte de Santander.

The Astilleros -Tibú road corridor, with a length of 74 km is part of the Astilleros-Agualasal -La Florida - Tibú road corridor. Before its intervention, the road section from Astilleros to Agualasal was generally flat with an average cross section ranging from 6.5 to 6 meters, with no shoulders, ditches nor ancillary structures, poor signage, and vehicle traffic with oversized loads due to coal transportation.
VQ provided supervision services to the following activities conducted by the construction contractor:
  • Review of existing studies and designs.
  • Improvement of flexible pavement structure.
  • Technical, social, land registry and environmental management as per studies and designs, including:
● Earth works: cutting, embankments, excavations, fills, dump areas; construction borrow material exploitation; landslide removal and dump site management.

Surface water management including stabilization, containment and drainage systems.

Inspection upgrades and maintenance of bridges and pontoons
  • Construction of 2 new bridges.
  • Pontoon extensions to keep the road width as per design.
  • Supply and installation of road safety devices; horizontal demarcation and retroreflective road signage, signage installation aimed to protect pedestrians in school zones. Safety elements upgrades (vertical signage, curve signage, lateral barriers, etc.), where required as per the Colombian Highway Signaling Manual (Manual de señalización vial -Ministerio de Transporte).
  • Relocation of public and private utilities affected by the works.
  • Execution of land owner, social and environmental management plans, including regulatory environmental permitting.
  • Landowner management and acquisition of areas required for the project development.
  • Maintenance works during the contract period.
  • Ensure users' road safety and transit along the road corridor.


We provide consulting, management, and inspection services (supervision and oversight) to the oil and gas, energy, renewables, mining, infrastructure, industrial, and construction sectors.


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10 / 26
Office 401
Bogota Colombia
Contact information
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87

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