Renewable Energy Services

Call us at: (+571) 518 84 87 - Cra. 7Bis # 124-10 / 26 Office 401 Bogotá - Colombia

VQ INGENIERÍA has been building its reputation as a top-level Engineering Consulting firm in Colombia for over 24 years

Our team offers long-term lasting technical solutions, regardless of project size.

Our Services

Services portfolio - VQ RENEWABLE

Management and Development of Renewable Energy Projects

We work in close collaboration with our clients and their contractors right from the project's inception, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its scope and goals. We identify and address any risks, design uncertainties, construction schedules, and budget concerns, ensuring that the project adheres to technical specifications and is executed according to the established construction date, quality parameters, and budget.

Our multidisciplinary team of professionals and support staff comprises various aspects of project management, including social and environmental management. With many years of experience, our team is equipped to support your projects, aiming for their successful delivery with the highest standards of quality.


Renewable Energy Projects Supervision

When it comes to providing project supervision services, VQ is one of the leading companies in the region. We have the capacity and skills to offer comprehensive supervision, inspection, control, and quality assurance (QA/QC) during the construction phase. With our team of professionals and developed systems, we reduce project uncertainties, manage changes effectively, and provide timely reports to our clients.

Additionally, VQ recognizes that a committed and skilled staff is crucial to the success of the project oversight and inspection tasks. Our commitment to our personnel and the work environment we provide, has

allowed us to retain highly qualified professionals, supervisors, and inspectors to support your projects. Our team finds in VQ a place to grow professionally, enhancing their careers with challenging and exciting


The Portfolio of Renewable Energy Projects Supervision also includes:

  • Design and construction oversight
  • Monitoring of construction progress and budget
  • Environmental and social compliance
  • Health, occupational safety, industrial safety, and environmental management supervision
  • Quality assurance/control (QA/QC) during construction
  • Procurement and contracting processes
  • Topographic surveys and as-built drawings preparation

Renewable Energy Engineering Consulting

Throughout its trajectory, VQ INGENIERÍA has built a reputation of its own as an Engineering Consulting firm, known for its high ethical standards, responsibility, and entrepreneurial spirit. We are a company that combines the strengths of a large corporation with the agility of a small firm.

Obtaining technical and effective solutions for your projects is a complex process, it requires the talent and expertise of an excellent engineering consulting company with the ability to support your organization throughout the stages of conceptual, basic and detailed design, construction, operation and closure.

Compliance with regulations and proper social management are other essential aspects for the success of your projects.Our consulting team provides long-lasting technical solutions, regardless of project size.

Our services

  • 1. Strategy Selection

    Selection of the most suitable strategy for the Energy Transition may include a range of options such as development of solar farms; wind farms; geothermal generation; hydroelectric generation (run-of-the-river and reservoir-based); and biomass plants. Based on the load and available resources, an analysis is conducted to determine the optimal renewable energy supply deemed to supplement or replace the current resource usage. Consideration will be given to time horizons ranging from 10 to 30 years, according to the client's needs and financial strategy. This ensures consistent energy backup and responsible transition with long-term benefits for the

    client’s operations.

  • 2. Regulatory and Permitting support

    Getting to know the policies and regulatory requirements in the energy sector can be a challenge for some organizations. 

    VQ INGENIERÍA has a team of experts with the required capabilities and knowledge to provide technical support and facilitate relationships with regulatory, control, and policymaking entities involved.

    We assist our clients in understanding and complying with terms, procedures, and regulations in this field.

  • 3. Environmental Impact Assessment

    • Environmental licensing and management with autonomous corporations
    • Archaeology
    • Prior consultation
    • Environmental certifications
  • 4. Land acquisition

    • Land Search
    • Support negotiations with landowners
    • Land ownership certifications
  • 5. Civil Engineering

    • Feasibility studies
    • Site assessment
    • Solar resource studies
    • Park and line design
    • Conceptual and detailed engineering design
  • 6. Electrical Engineering

    • Connection study
    • Capacity allocation
    • Connection contracts
    • Regulatory studies
    • Conceptual and detailed design



VQ INGENIERÍA selectively participates in co-development projects for

renewable energy, based on proper analysis that considers their technical,

economic, and legal feasibility. We also provide due diligence services for co-development projects for purchase analysis at any stage.

Services portfolio

Project supervision
 awarded contracts


20 +
Project  Owner´s Enginner  awarded contracts

100 +
Project Consulting and
Engineering awarded contracts

50 +
Customers satisfied with
our services

Empresas de ingeniería en Colombia



  (571) 518 84 87


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10/26

Office 401

Bogotá - Colombia


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