

VQ understands the mining industry and recognizes that mines operate in a very competitive market, balancing environmental and social responsibility with business sustainability. We provide consulting and engineering services to the mining sector for the development of safe and reliable tailings management facilities and mine waste dumps.

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VQ understands the mining industry and recognizes that mines operate in a very competitive market, balancing environmental and social resp onsibility w ith bu sin ess sustainability. We provide consulting and engineering services to the mining sector for the development of safe and reliable tailings management facilities and mine waste dumps.
  • Tailings Management Facilities

    Poor  design of tailings  management  facilities (TMF) can result in failures, with loss of life, devastating environmental or health impacts, partial or complete loss of other mine facilities, and closure of mine operations. VQ's knowledge of the complete life cycle of TMF addresses those risks, whi le increasing the share value of your m1n1ng company.

    At the onset of the project,  our professionals determine the regulatory framework for the development of the TMF. We identify and plan for all regulatory requirements and applicable laws, and provide permitting support for the TMF development.

    Site selection for the TMF is often a complex process. Depending on the project requirements and land availability, one or more sites may be considere d for the TMF development. VQ establishes the TMF footprint requirements based on a comprehensive site reconnaissance, topographic conditions, and available plant operating data related to tailings production. A decision making tool is then developed by VQ to assist the client in the TMF final site selection.

    To support the TMF  design,  our  engineering teams and field support staff have the capabilities to conduct complete site characterizations from climatic and hydrological studies to geologic, terrain analysis, seismicity, geotechnical, and hydrogeological investigations. Tailings physical and chemical characterization and acid generating potential and metal leaching are also addressed during the TMF design operation and closure plans.

    Whether you opt to design a facility to contain conventional or thickened tailings,VQ delivers the TMF detailed design using the most current engineering practices and standards, ensuring regulatory compliance and fulfilment of client and stakeholder expectations.

    VQ's expertise also offers practical and cost effective solutions to the potential long-term social and environmental impacts with proper planning of progressive reclamation of the facilities, closure and decommissioning, and post-closure monitoring.

    Our team of qualified  consultants  assists our clients with independent audits to evaluate the performance of their TMF during operation and post closure.

  • Mine Waste Dumps

    Mine waste dumps are often a critical component of mine projects. Dump stability, environmental and social impacts, and  waste material  hauling and placement costs all require careful consideration  in the waste dump design.

    Working closely with  the mine planners,  VQ attains a complete understanding of their mine schedules, pit development, and materials handling to ensure that the dump development is consistent with min e operations. Often, overburden soils from the mine pit footprint can be used as construction material for tailings dams, roads, and foundations of mine facilities. Our engineers provide recommendations regarding the suitability of these materials to help minimize construction costs.

    During the design stage, our team of consultants assesses th e ph ysi cal an d geoch em i cal laboratory test results of the waste materials to evaluate potential acid generation and metal leaching, which may influence the design that will be required for the containment systems.

    The  dump  con figuration  and  desi gn  are determined b y sp ec if ic mine p lann ing requirements, such as mine overburden characteristics, potential acid generation, progressive reclamation, and specific site considerations including site foundation, surface water management, and groundwater conditions. Our geotechnical team assesses the stability of the dump based on short-term (construction) and long-term (closure) conditions. Rehabilitation and aesthetics are also considered in the dump design.

    VQ works with regulatorsand communities from the very early stages of the proj ect to ensure that the permitting processes for the waste dump development are completed in agreement with aliproject stakeholders.


We provide consulting, management, and inspection services (supervision and oversight) to the oil and gas, energy, renewables, mining, infrastructure, industrial, and construction sectors.


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10 / 26
Office 401
Bogota Colombia
Contact information
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87

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