Supervision for the improvement, social, land registry and environmental management of the Transversal de Boyacá Project along sections Otanche - Chiquinquirá (Route 6007) and Route 45 - Otanche (Route 6006). The Transversal de Boyacá corridor connects the western side of Department of Boyacá between the municipalities of Chiquinquirá and Puerto Boyacá. This corridor is part of the National Road Network on the western watershed of Cordillera Oriental and the Middle Valley ofthe Magdalena River.
The road is 185 Km long. lt runs on a generally flat land in the municipality of Puerto Boyacá, undulating is the municipality of Otanche and mountainous the remaining of the road throughout the municipalities of San Pablo de Borbur, Pauna and Chiquinquirá.
VQ provided supervision services to the following
activities executed by the construction contractor:
✸ Review of existing studies and designs
✸Improvement of rigid pavement structure rute 6205 between Barbosa and Cisneros.
Technical, social, land registry and environmental management, including:
Earth works: cuttings, embankmen ts, excavations, fills, dump areas and borrow material sources exploitation, landslide removal, and dump site management.
Surface water management including: stabilization, containment and drainage systems.
Inspection, upgrades and maintenance of bridges and pontoons.
Pontoon extensions to keep the road width as per design.
Supply and installation of road safety devices; horizontal demarcation and retroreflective road signage; signage installation aimed to protect pedestrians in school zones; safety elements upgrades (Curve signage, lateral barriers etc.), where required as per the Colombian Highway Signaling Manual (Manual de señalización vial - Ministerio de Transporte).
Relocation of public and prívate service networks, affected by the construction activities.
✸ Execution of land owner, social and environmental management plans, including regulatory environmental permitting.
Landowner management and acquisition of areas required for the project development.
Maintenance works during the contract period.
Ensure users' road safety and transit along the road corridor.
We provide consulting, management, and inspection services (supervision and oversight) to the oil and gas, energy, renewables, mining, infrastructure, industrial, and construction sectors.
Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10 / 26
Office 401
Bogota Colombia
Contact information
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87
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