Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte IDRD.

Supervision services for the technical, administrative, accounting, financial, social, environmental, occupational health and safety (ohs), and legal aspects of works and complementary activities for projects 1 and 2 under the idrd´s technical construction group (stc).

Client: District Institute of Recreation and Sport (IDRD)

Scope of Work: Conduct technical, administrative, financial, social, environmental, OHS, and legal supervision of the works.

Works Subject to Supervision:

  • HIGH-PERFORMANCE CENTER: Construction of the building within the framework of the "Manzana del Cuidado del Porvenir" (Gibraltar), which includes an architectural module comprising:
  • A multi-sport facility.
  • A swimming facilities.
  • Cultural facilities.
  • Administrative área.
  • Technical área.
  • Access and circulation áreas.

Total constructed area of 23,467.74 m² and urban area of 19,102.01 m².

  • Contracting the works and complementary activities of the velodrome, which include:
  • 10,000 m² and 25,000 m² of outdoor areas.

Location and Execution Timeline: Bogotá D.C. 2024-2026


Proyectos con futuro 

VQ INGENIERÍA proporciona servicios de consultoría a los sectores de hidrocarburos, minero, de infraestructura, industrial y de la construcción. 
Más de 20 años de experiencia


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10/26
Oficina 401
Bogotá, Colombia
Datos de contacto 
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87


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