Vicepresidencia Regional Orinoquía of Ecopetrol S.A.
Technical management for contracts from: Apiay Operations Management arreas (GDA), Castilla Operations Management aireas (GDT) and Chichimene Operations Managernent areas (GCH).
The technical rnanagement entailed the control of to ensure complíance of technical specifications and good practices related to goods or services
contracted such as:
Static equipment integrity mai ntenance and management.
Fire protection, emergency response and firefighting equipment operation for production fields and operating areas.
Wellhead repai r, wellhead tools, and christmas trees.
Production piping repair.
Cleaning and n1aintenance of pits, su1nps and discharge stn1ctures associated to collection stations and process plants.
Crude oil inspection and quality certification, quality analysis of crude oíl, water and processed products; verification and follow-up to" measure1nent/metering systems.
Parameter and operation data taking from wells and facilities.
Sludge, liquid and oily waste collection, transportation and transfer.
Oily fluids treatment, recovery and final disposal.
Civil works for upgradi ng and recovery of roads, stations and well pads.
Pit cleaning and maintenance at collection and treatment stations.
Maintenance of domestic wastewater treatrnent systems.
Registration, control and inspection of tank trucks loading and unloading activities.
Loading, unloading and land transportation of dry and liquid loads.
Seclection, Storage, Transportation and Final Disposal of institutional and industrial solid wastes (conventional and hazardous).
Industrial housekeeping of collection stations, well locations, discharge areas and related areas.
Fire fighters services for industrial and surrounding facilities.
Medical emergency prevention and response at operational, administrative and surrounding areas.
The technical Management scope included, but was not limited to activities related to, review, follow-up and quality control of goods, services or contracted works, compliance with technical specifications contracted, and activities assuring documentary support of technical aspects of the contract in order to ensure norn1al development and its compliance with all applicable internal and external regulations.