Construction of storage tanks for biofuel by-products.

Client: BIOD

Scope: Civil and electromechanical supervision service for the storage tank construction project at the BIOD plant.

Relevant Aspects:

  • Inspections, supervision, verification, assessments, and testing were conducted to monitor contractual obligations. Corrective actions were taken when necessary and communicated to the contractor at the appropriate time.
  • Daily supervision activity reports were prepared and submitted to BIOD periodically at the end of each day, highlighting relevant findings through these communications.

Procedures Performed:

  • Ground resistance measurement
  • Excavated piles
  • Pile heightening
  • Beam and tank
  • Welding 
  • SPT ENSOTEC construction procedure

Location and Execution Date: Facatativá, Cundinamarca. 2021–2023.


Proyectos con futuro 

VQ INGENIERÍA proporciona servicios de consultoría a los sectores de hidrocarburos, minero, de infraestructura, industrial y de la construcción. 
Más de 20 años de experiencia


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10/26
Oficina 401
Bogotá, Colombia
Datos de contacto 
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87


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