Client: BIO D
1. Lurgi Plant Supervision: Civil, Mechanical, and Electromechanical supervision services for execution of the following activities as part of the biodiesel production plant expansion project - Lurgi Plant.
2. Tank Construction Supervision: Civil and Electromechanical Supervision services for the construction of storage tanks TK-354 for RBD (720 TON), TK-305 for CPO (1650 TON), and TK-504 for BIODIESEL (1650 TON) to be built at Bio D plants.
3. Refinery Construction Supervision: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, and Control Supervision Services for the expansion of the refinery and the construction of a processing plant of 300 TPD capacity.
Colombia. 2021 – 2022.
(571) 518 84 87
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