Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura - ANI

Supervision services for the concession contract of the new road network project in the valle del cauca - cali and palmira access corridors.



  • Administrative Management
  • Technical Management
  • Economic and Financial Management
  • Legal Management
  • Environmental Management
  • Social Management
  • Land Management
  • Insurance Management
  • Risk Management
  • Monitoring and Revenue Collection Management

Main Features of the Project:

  • 310 km of road, including 12.4 km for the construction of new secondary lanes and 291 km for the rehabilitation (upgrading) of existing corridors.
  • Construction of two interchanges (Sameco and Versalles).
  • Construction of a vehicular overpass on the Cauca River between Jamundí and Villarrica.
  • Construction of 22 pedestrian bridges.
  • Construction of bike lanes.
  • Improvement of public spaces and land acquisition.

The concession for the new road network project in Valle del Cauca - Cali and Palmira access corridors was the first project awarded under the Bicentennial Concessions - 5G initiative. These roads are part of one of the main corridors in the country and facilitate the connection between Buga in Valle del Cauca and Santander de Quilichao in Cauca, with the purpose of improving heavy traffic mobility in the Colombian Pacific area.

Location and Execution Date:

Valle del Cauca and Cauca. 2021-2028.


Proyectos con futuro 

VQ INGENIERÍA proporciona servicios de consultoría a los sectores de hidrocarburos, minero, de infraestructura, industrial y de la construcción. 
Más de 20 años de experiencia


Cra. 7Bis No. 124-10/26
Oficina 401
Bogotá, Colombia
Datos de contacto 
PBX: (57 1) 518 84 87


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